Light Blessing Services

Overcoming PTSD

In military and dysfunctional families, and there are many, the unwritten rule is to never share or even speak of the many harms therein.

This results in multiple woundings that for decades often go unaddressed. Further still when left unsupported , many people turn to negative coping styles of living that often include:

SAD (standard American diet)


excess alcohol

drug abuse

self harming activities and more…

It is therefore common within people’s mind sets, attitudes and beliefs, that they are less than and not enough for any aspect of life, let alone the soul journey!!!

In all truth we each are from the Tao Source Ultimate Creator, that creates each one of us in high heavenly frequency and vibration of The 10 greatest qualities of Tao Source!!!

What are these 10 greatest qualities?

Within you and every soul there is:

Greatest Love

Greatest Forgiveness

Greatest Compassion

Greatest Light

Greatest Humility

Greatest Harmony

Greatest Gratitude

Greatest Flourishing

Greatest Service

Greatest Enlightenment!!!

Tao Source Ultimate Creator creates you and all souls with all 10 of these greatest qualities!!!

There are zero exceptions!

We are often unaware of our true nature, abilities and where we come from. Through Master Zhi Gang Sha’s wisdom, practices and services, not only am I healed from Diabetes and Cancer, I am climbing out of the negatives that are common in PTSD and ACE’s ( Adverse Childhood Events)!!!

You can do this also!!!😀

Here is the simply Powerful way to start:

I am offering free zoom meetings every Monday Wednesday and Friday evening at 5 pm Arizona time. Due to daylight savings time , Arizona is in same time zone as California.

Master Sha says,” If you want to know if a pear is sweet Taste it”.

Jump into creating your new future by going to my contact page dear ones, include your contact information I need to send you the zoom meeting access link.

One of three empowerments from Master Sha is:

“I have the power to heal myself. “

“You have the power to heal yourself.”

“Together we have the power to heal the world.”

When you gather together and participate, you are creating a beautiful field of Positive message for yourself and all souls!

Yes this includes Mother Earth, all planets, stars, galaxies and universe’s!!!

This is why I say to you that your participation is simply Powerful!!! As you participate, you are serving Powerfully!

What happens when you serve this way with your heart and mind opening?

Heaven blesses you by removing vast amounts of your old negative messages then transforms these into positive messages in every aspect of your life 💖!!!

Really Really!!!

With our time, our greatest participation, our greatest Love we can also move mountains!!!

Greatest Love and Light

Divina Flamingarrow.

. Spiritual Upliftment

. Whole Nutrition

. Organic Foods

. Transform Health

. Meld with Tao

. Consultation

. Reverse Diabetes

. Unresolved Trauma

. Transformation for Cancer

(480) 749-0777

Copyright© 2022 lightblessingservices LLC Divina Flamingarrow Retired LPN Veteran

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